Workshop: Poetry

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The Deep Dive: A Generative Poetry Workshop

with Meghan Sterling

I came to explore the wreck.
The words are purposes.
The words are maps.
I came to see the damage that was done
and the treasures that prevail.

–Adrienne Rich Diving into the Wreck

 There are truths that exist only below the surface, ones we discover when we unearth things that we have experienced, that have changed us. There is power in capturing these truths, and in owning our stories. In this 3-day workshop, we will be writing poetry about things that exist below the surface—memory, desire, family, love, secrets, dreams, wishes, disappointments, heartaches. Often, it is through writing that we discover, as Adrienne Rich writes, the treasures that prevail.

Through writing prompts, reading, and kind, loving feedback, we will be working together to generate poetry that explores a deeper level of self-hood.


After registering, each participant in the poetry workshop is asked to submit one poem in advance.

Please send your submission by 9:00 a.m. on February 23. Please email the manuscripts as attachments to with the subject line: “POETRY SNOWBOUND MSS.”  *Word files are preferred, but you may also send a PDF.

Meghan Sterling’s work has been published or is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review, Rhino Poetry, Nelle, Colorado Review, Rattle, and many others, and has been nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes. Her debut poetry collection, These Few Seeds (Terrapin Books), came out in 2021 and was a Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize in Poetry. Her chapbook, Self-Portrait with Ghosts of the Diaspora (Harbor Editions) her collection, Comfort the Mourners (Everybody Press) and her collection, View from a Borrowed Field, which won Lily Poetry Review’s Paul Nemser Book Prize, are forthcoming in 2023. She is program director at Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance. Read her work at